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Q: Why does mold grow faster at warmer temperatures?
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Will mold grow faster on wheat bread in the fridge or in a room temperature?

Mold thrives in warmer temperatures; therefore the mold will grow faster at room temperature.

Why does bread grow mold at room temp than in refrigerator?

The reason that bread kept at room temperature molds faster then bread kept in the fridge is due to the fact that warmer temperatures promote mold to grow. Mold flourishes in room temperature and has a harder time in colder climates.Yes, it would be much slower to mold kept refrigerated, but it will also dry the bread out more quickly.

Will bread mold grow faster in heat than in the cold?

In heat because bread needs moisture to grow mold

Does temperature affect the bacteria growth in bread?

fungi can grow at a temperature of 30 degrees Celsius. they struggle to grow at temperatures of 4 degrees and below because it is too cold for them to be active and reproduce. Fungi can not grow at temperatures of 37 degrees Celsius and above either because it is too warm.

Will mold grow faster on white bread wheat bread or buttermilk bread?

Mold will grow faster on white bread.

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Why does soda make mold grow faster?

the reason soda makes mold grow faster is because soda is high in sugar and sugar is food for mold.

Does water or coke make mold grow faster?

Coke would make mold grow faster... Sugar is food for the mold/fungus. Therefore, Coke with its high sugar content would make it grow faster.

Does bread mold on top of a fridge?

Yes bread will mold anywhere except when frozen in a freezer. It will mold a lot faster in warmer areas

Does more moisture help mold grow faster?

Yes. For example, a moist pirce of bread will grow mold faster than a dry piece.

Why does an apple grow mold faster in a bag?

Mold grows faster in an environment that seals in moisture. Apples create juice. If left out, it will grow mold. But a little slower than an apple in a bag.

Does mold grow faster on apples in light or dark places?

Mold usually grows on things in the dark because the light prevents the mold from growing. Mold will grow very slow when put in the sun but in the dark, it will grow faster! :)