

Does more moisture help mold grow faster?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Yes. For example, a moist pirce of bread will grow mold faster than a dry piece.

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Will bread mold grow faster in heat than in the cold?

In heat because bread needs moisture to grow mold

Why does an apple grow mold faster in a bag?

Mold grows faster in an environment that seals in moisture. Apples create juice. If left out, it will grow mold. But a little slower than an apple in a bag.

Why does mold grow faster on bread soaked in milk?

Because milk has lactose which is a type of sugar. It also adds moisture. Both sugar and moisture are needed for mold to grow.

Where does mold grow faster on bread sunlight or in the dark and please write how or why they grow mold in their faster If you dont know the answer then dont answer it?

In the dark because in sunlight the moisture from the brbead would dy out

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yes moister is a good place for mold and bacteria to grow.

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Mold requires moisture to thrive. It also requires a specific pH to grow at all. Mozzarella contains more moisture, and is less acidic than cheddar.

Does moisture affect the growth of mold on food?

The mold requires moisture to grow so the more moisture the more mold.

Does wheat bread grow faster in heat or in the cold?

In heat because the moisture in the air will make the bread mold

Would mold grow faster at room temperature outside or in the refrigerator?

Mold grows faster inside the fridge. The fridge is like an incubator for mold and fungal growth. This is due to the lack of oxygen and excess moisture in the fridge.

Does mold grow faster on an apple in a bag or out of a bag?

Mold is likely to grow faster on an apple in a bag because the high humidity and limited air circulation provide an ideal environment for mold spores to thrive. The enclosed space in a bag also traps moisture, promoting mold growth.

What encourages bread to grow mold?

Answer:Warmth and moisture encourages bread to grow mold.

Why doesn't toasted bread grow mold?

Mold needs moisture to grow. Toasting removes the surface moisture. Toasted bread will mold. It just takes longer.