

Best Answer

Because Africa lies almost entirely between the tropic of Cancer and the tropic of Capricorn.

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Q: Why does most of Africa have high temperatures?
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How high can the temperatures get in Africa?

over 50 degrees

What climate is the majority of Africa covered in?

yesWarm and hot climates prevail all over Africa, but mostly the northern part is marked by aridity and high temperatures. ... The equator runs through the middle of Africa, as do the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn, making Africa the most tropical continent.

How are high temperatures harmful to organisms?

High temperatures are harmful to organisms in various ways. Most of the process of the body require regulated temperatures and if they are too high, they end up damaging some of the organelles.

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which environment would mineral formation caused by high pressures and high temperatures most likely occur

Where are extremely high temperatures most likely be found?


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Minerals formation caused by high pressure and high temperatures lives most likely occur in what environment?

Deep in the Earth is where minerals form. This causes high pressure and temperatures.

Extremely high temperatures will most likely be found here?


Where would extremely high temperatures most likely be found?

In stars.

Why is it that most animals can not survive when they are exposed to high temperatures?

They dry out and not have enough water.

What temperature kills the most bacteria?

High temperatures kill the most bacteria. These temperatures should be at least 160 degrees Fahrenheit in foods like many meats.

What is high temperatures?

th normal summer high temperatures are 105.