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Q: Why does my 12 wk old puppy keep putting her bottom (forcefully) into the face of my older dog?
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It depends on how old you puppy is. If he is a newborn, you shouldn't be feeding him puppy food right away. If your puppy is a little older, I would begin by soaking it in lukewarm water. This will make it softer and easier to chew. If your Dachshund is older an should be at the hard kibble stage, I suggest putting treats or gravy in - this will tempt him to eat it.

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If its a girl puppy and she is 6 months or older she could be in her first heat.

Is your older dog teaching your puppy bite inhibition or is it trying to dominate?

It is probably trying to dominate. Because the puppy is younger, the older dog wants to show it that they, (the older one) are the boss.

Should a new puppy sleep with you older dog?

If the older dog allows it - yes.

How long should you keep your puppy confined to one room?

Less than 2 hours for a young puppy days for an older puppy.

Do puppy spots show up better or worse when they get older?

Bolo markings or similar I assume? They usually all but disappear as they grow older. Although if a puppy has white marking as a pup, it will be more inclined to get white hairs when it is older.

What does a girl puppy do if she likes a boy puppy?

my girl puppy liked my moved out older sisters boy puppy. she would follow him a lot and try to play with him and be feisty. they would play much if they liked each other.