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Possibly because it doesn't like the food you are offering. The most common reason for Bettas going off their food is poor water conditions or water parameters not to their liking. A Betta should be in at least 3 gallons of water. It should be heated to around 78F and have a permanently running cycled filter. It also should have at least 50% of its water replaced every week. If you are doing all the above your Betta should be OK. If you are not, you have the reason why the fish is off its food. Simply correct what you are not supplying by way of living conditions and the fish will come good.

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Q: Why does my Siamese Fighting fish spit out its food after you feed it?
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Can you feed Siamese fighting fish normal fish food?

yes ("")( . .)("") .......................................................................................................................$$$$$$$$$$$$ yes ("")( . .)("") .......................................................................................................................$$$$$$$$$$$$

What kind of food do you feed a Siamese fighting fish without having fish food?

Small insects like pinhead crickets may suffice, but fish food is recommended.

Is there diet fish food for betta fish?

If you think you're Siamese Fighting Fish is getting overweight, you can just cut down on feeding them. I have one ten gallon aquarium and one sixteen gallon aquarium, and I feed the fish in them once a day, and they are very active and healthy.

What does it mean when a Siamese Fighting Fish vomits his food when you first bring him home?

The fish is scared so he vomits up his food as a sort of shield from the outside world. Stay away from your fish at first

Will my Siamese fighting fish die if I don't feed it for 7 days?

You will not be doing it any good but it certainly should not die from lack of food for 1 week. It could however die if its water is not changed regularly or if its temperature varies out of its normal range.

What do Siamese tiger fish eat?

The Siamese Fighting Fish will eat any tropical fish food: flakes, pellets, live white worms, fresh water shrimps, etc. The males must be kept apart (different tanks and unable to see each other) otherwise, they will fight.

Can you feed your fighting fish tropical food?

Yes you can- but I've fed my male betta flake food and pellet food specifically for bettas.

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What do ocean Siamese fighting fish eat?

Siamese fighting fish prefer water temperatures of 24-30 degrees Celsius, or 75-86 degrees Fahrenheit.80 degrees or so, they are tropical and live in rice patties through out Asia. They should have a heater in tank and not be kept in tiny glass bowl at least a 5gallon tank would be best with at least 3 femal bettas

What to feed a fish?

Fish food

What kind of food do you feed betta fish?

Siamese fighting fish are carnivores. And like most pets, they should have a varied diet. So try a good pallet or flake made specifically for them, along with blood worms, red worms, brine shrimp and the like. X-treme Betta Pellets and Fluval Bug Bites are my Go-To personally!😁

Is the food you feed to fish poisonous to kids?

no it is not it depinds what food you feed. like if you feed it other fish it is poisonous if its not cooked thats my answer