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Because she feels the need to take good care of it. She is a good mother cat just don't let her get to attached to them especially if they aren't hers.

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Q: Why does my mother cat steal other cat's kittens?
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Related questions

What is the name of a mother nursing kittens?

A mother cat nursing her kittens is often referred to as a "queen."

Should i keep my cat away from my other cat that's just had kittens?

Yes, it would be a good idea, otherwise the mother may feel threatened and abandon her kittens or the other cats may attack the defenseless kittens and/or the mother.

Do cats have kittens after they already had one?

yes but sometimes that's not the case. some mother cats cant have more kittens.

Do cats only meow around people?

No. Cats will vocalize around other cats, and a mother cat will meow to call her kittens.

Would a cat nurse kittens that didn't belong to her?

AnswerNo. Because the kittens need the milk from their motherAnswerYes, absolutely. If 2 female cats have kittens close to the same age, they will sometimes steal and nurse the kittens. Strong maternal instinctsActually, it is pretty rare. I once owned 21 cats at the same time and the kitten can usually tell its own mother apart from the other adult females. It's not unheard of though so yes.

Why do mom cats carry the kittens by their neck?

The mother cats carry their baby kittens very gently on the necks as they feel the cubs are being threatened by other animals, it is then taken to a safe hiding place.

How long is it till cats have their kittens?

It usually takes about nine weeks for a mother cat to have her kittens.

What other animal apart from cats call their young kittens?

KITTENS means baby cats.So only CATS can have kittens.

Why do cats and kitten communicate?

The mother cat does it to teach the kittens survival in the wild, and to teach it manners and how to communicate with other cats, its very important that they learn.

When you have two cats and one gave birth to baby then is other cat dangerous?

It depends on the individual cat. Some species of cat's are more likely to actually help raise young kittens and some are more notable for their likelihood of killing kittens. If you don't know how your individual is going to react, it's best to keep momma with her babies separated from the other cats till the kittens are at least 9 weeks. Also, be wary of the mother, especially if this is her first litter! Mother cats seem to be more likely to kill their own kittens then other cats. If you believe the mother is stressed out too much and/or is threatening the kittens, you should seperate the mother and start bottle feeding if they are still too young.

What if your cat just had kittens and now is very protective and attacks other animals even when the kittens are not around?

Answer: Mother cats are often defensive and agressive. When the kittens grow up and the mother cat stops caring for them, her behavior should return to normal.

What can you put on your mother cats nipples to stop kittens from nursing?
