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Because you are allergic to the spermicide.

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Q: Why does my skin itch and burn after using spermicide condoms?
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What is sun burn itch?

Sun Burn itch is when you have a sunburn and it starts to itch badly.

How does jock itch look when you get it in your mouth?

can you get jock itch if u use condoms and its on the man ball

Do flea bites burn when you itch them?

they do burn actually it is kinda like a sting when you itch them. I have them right now and it burns/stings really bad.

What parts of your vagina itch and burn when you have a yeast infection?

If you have a yeast infection all parts of your vagina and vulva can itch and burn. Obviously if you have a yeast infection treat it, and if sexually active consider an STI screening to be safe.

Make sentence using the word itch?

* hitch * nitch * *itch * witch * fitch * Mitch * pitch

Red circle on your wrist it looks like a cut but its not and it doesnt burn or itch what is it?

could be ring worm (which is not really a worm it is a fungus) it doesn't always itch.

Does scabies itch or burn?

yes becas=use it can also be called Scabies Mite. Hope this helped

What makes your lips feel warm to the touch itch and burn?

If your lips are warm you may have a fever and that means you may have an infection. If they itch and burn you may be having and allergic reaction to something irregular you ate or a pepper or something hot may be making your lips burn but if they are itching and burning it is most likely and allergic reaction.Tay Tay Rules

What happens when you put bleach in shampoo and take a shower with it?

It can cause your skin to itch and burn and you might end up with bleach blonde hair. It will also burn your scalp.

What does it mean when your legs and feet itch when you walk for exersice?

When your legs and feet itch while exercising it means the exercise is working, your body is trying to burn the fat. Yes it's annoying, just try to ignore it.

Which substance should be used to reduce the stinging itch?

by using weak acid

Why would your husband be using mupirocin ointment and not be telling you he is using it?

Maybe he has athlete's foot or jock itch. Do you tell him when you're using Vagisil?