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Need a new speedometer or speedometer cable.

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you wait till its under water then jump to the to once it gets to the top again jump over it and go down

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The long jump is where you have a long strip of sand which you run to and jump as far as you can along it whilst the high jump is where there is a pole which the athletes have to jump over and it gets raised every time each athlete has jumped. :)

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You have to jump over him, quite a bit. When you jump over him twice in a row, he gets mad and rushes at you going left. Jump him and he hurtles into the next car to the left. Repeat this until he ends up in the front car, where he slips on a puddle.

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no it is not because there once will be a time when it gets corrupted or stops working its not something that can be used again or over and over

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Snorlax cannot jump over a building . It is impossible for a person to jump over a building.

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well first he needs to learn to jump. Well once you figure out how o do that then you can work on getting higher. When u want to get your pony to jump higher you have to 2 point sooner and higher so he will try to get under you. Its pretty simple. :)

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you have got to run on the wheel and jump over the gaps constently until the oil gets to the top

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All you need to do in the Diamond Mine cart is to duck down into the cart when the ceiling gets close, then jump over the wooden barriers (it says "Jump" a little late).

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you throw the ball up in the air then you step left right left then when it gets to where you can reach to jump and hit it you hit it as hard as you can over the net and you try to hit it downwards by snapping your wrists.

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Jump onto the plug/socket and then jump onto the back of the fan and then jump over the fan blade.

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To not event TRY to jump over trees, instead jump over the trunk and LIVE

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a bar