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it gets heavier

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Q: Why does oil float on top of spaghetti sauce?
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What can you make out of spaghetti sauce spaghetti and eggs?

Scramble the eggs and put some sauce on top with some cheese

What spaghetti sauce recipe is best?

A good spaghetti sauce would be made from a canned tomato sauce sauted in garlic and onions with ground beef. You can add some Italian spices to add a unique flavor then pour the sauce in noodles then with grated cheese on top of it.

How would you serve the spaghetti and sauce if not being served at on time?

You can precook the spaghetti and store it in coils in the refrigerator. Precook the sauce and store. When you want to serve take the spaghetti out and pour hot water over the precooked pasta. Heat the sauce in the microwave. You can also mix the two together, put it in a pan, sprinkle cheese on top and bake. Served as baked spaghetti. This is what I do with my leftover spaghetti and it is quite good.

What is a good recipe for health family meals in 30 minutes?

An easy recipe is spaghetti with broccoli and meat sauce. Cook the spaghetti and steam the broccoli then toss them together. Serve with meat sauce on top or on the side for picky eaters, and top with parmesan cheese.

What liquid you mix with water and it float on top?


Will olive oil disperse water?

No. It will float on top

Will olive oil and water separate by distillation?

Yes... oil will float on top

In Eclipse before telling Bella she's not grounded he attempts cooking what?

Spaghetti and sauce, but Charlie cooks it the wrong way by not stirring the noodles and microwaving the sauce with the jar top on. :)

What rises when oil and water are mixed together?

The oil will rise to the top and float on the water.

Is spagetti on toast a breakfast?

Tinned spaghetti in tomato sauce is a popular breakfast meal. For me, it is even better with a fried egg on top!

Is USP mineral oil soluble in water?

No, it is not. Oil and water do not mix. If you pour oil into water, the oil will float to the surface. If you pour water into oil, the water will sink to the bottom and the oil will float on top.

Howdo you separate oil and water?

You can let the oil float to the top or you can use fairy liquid.