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The TP interval reflects the period between ventricular repolarization (recovery) and atrial depolarization (excitation). This shortens during exercise because in order to meet increased skeletal muscle demand, the heart rate increases. (Among other things.) In order to have a higher HR, either the contraction must be faster or the relaxation must be shorter. The easiest to alter is the relaxation-this is done by the sinoatrial node firing more frequently, causing a shorter rest period. The rest period is relfected in the ECG by the TP interval.

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Q: Why does p r interval shorten during exercise?
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Why does t-p interval shorten during exercise?

P through to end of T is the time in which the electrical events occur in the heart, which take a certain amount of time to complete While the T-p interval is the rest time between an therefore has the most flexiblilty can can increase or decrease depending on the bodys needs Therefore when the heart rate needs to be increased, as in the case of excercise, this time can be shortened when the heart rate increases to supply the oxygen demands of the body.

What is an s-p interval?

an s-p interval is the time that it takes for the secondary waves of an earthquake after the primary waves hit.

What does s-p interval mean?

S-P interval means the integer minus the integer. The difference times nine.

How do you measure an S-P interval?

The sp interval is the time between the p wave arrival and the s wave arrival

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What does the P-Q or P-R interval give?

Finally, the P-Q or P-R interval gives a value for the time taken for the electrical impulse to travel from the atria to the ventricle (normally less than 0.2 seconds).

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why doesn't wiki allow punctuation??? Now prove that if the definite integral of f(x) dx is continuous on the interval [a,b] then it is integrable over [a,b]. Another answer: I suspect that the question should be: Prove that if f(x) is continuous on the interval [a,b] then the definite integral of f(x) dx over the interval [a,b] exists. The proof can be found in reasonable calculus texts. On the way you need to know that a function f(x) that is continuous on a closed interval [a,b] is uniformlycontinuous on that interval. Then you take partitions P of the interval [a,b] and look at the upper sum U[P] and lower sum L[P] of f with respect to the partition. Because the function is uniformly continuous on [a,b], you can find partitions P such that U[P] and L[P] are arbitrarily close together, and that in turn tells you that the (Riemann) integral of f over [a,b] exists. This is a somewhat advanced topic.

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the time it takes for the secondary wave of an earthquake after the primary wave hits

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The confidence interval for this problem can be calculated using the following formula: Confidence Interval = p ± z*√(p*(1-p)/n) Where: p = observed proportion (54%) n = sample size (80) z = z-score (1.96) Confidence Interval = 0.54 ± 1.96*√(0.54*(1-0.54)/80) Confidence Interval = 0.54 ± 0.07 Therefore, the confidence interval is 0.47 - 0.61, meaning that we can be 95% confident that the percentage of voters who prefer the referred candidate is between 47% and 61%.