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Q: Why does paint smell bad over time?
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Why do stale tortilla chips smell like paint?

That bad smell is from the oil in the chips going rancid.

What can you use to remove smell from spoiled paint?

You can use an onion to remove the smell from spoiled paint. In the room or area where the bad smell is lingering, peel an onion and cut it in half. Place on a plate and leave it there for a couple of days.

Is it bad your farts smell really bad all the time?

no it is not bad

Why does poop smell bad?

It is a combination of much waste that has accumulated over a period of time in your body, combining with other fluids to create a nauseous smell.

When a heater core is bad is there usually a smell involved?

If it is leaking it is always bad, and you will most of the time have a sweet smell. There is sometimes a film on your windshield.

Why do zimmeranickles smell bad?

they smell bad because they eat air frsheners so many sents over powers the smell of a zimmeranickle so they end up smelling really bad they are found inside the human ear

My mouth have very bad smell when I am eating something than that time don't have any bad smell when I am not eating something than my mouth have very bad smell now what to do to finish this bad smell?

try a breath mint.answ3. You probably have some tooth decay, and a visit to a dentist is called for.

Do body urns smell bad for a long time?

Well they should be filled with your ashes and these should have no smell.

Where can I obtain a Graco paint sprayer?

Go buy paint at the home depot stores they are cheap but have great quality paint. They are very creamy and not smell really bad they also won the best painter awards series at comic con.

Does Albania smell bad?

No Albania does not smell bad !!

Do Cinchillas smell bad?

NO only if they wee over the top floor of the cage then they might

Do hymen seal blood has a bad smell?

No it doeS not have a bad smell