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The smaller the volume, the larger the ratio of surface area to volume.

As cooling is a function of surface area those with small bodies have to generate proportionally more internal heat than those with large bodies.

(Some small mice have to eat several times their body weight each day. Elephants though they eat a large number of kilograms of food each day do not consume any where near a hundredth of their body mass per day)

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Q: Why does penguin height change depending on latitude so 50cm on 0 and 120 on 70?
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it will change depending on the size.. i think

How much does young penguin height?

That depends on the type of penguin.

What is the size of a penguin as an adult?

The tallest penguin is the emperor penguin, with a max height of around 70cm.

What is the height of an Antarctica penguin?

i heard they can get up to 6 ft. in height

Are Emperor Penguins the largest penguin?

Yes. The Emperor penguin is the largest penguin, with a height of 100-130cm.

What is the height of a adelie penguin?

70 cm

Which measurements of height are used in a map?

Latitude and Longitude

What is the height of an adelie penguin?

The average adult has a height of about 28 inches or 70 centimeters.

What is the average height of adult penguin?

About four feet

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There are different species of penguins. The largest penguin is the Emperor Penguin, who are around 1.1m tall. The smallest penguin, the Little Blue Penguin, are only 40cm talls.

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Height and latitude

What is the smallest penguin Antarctica?

On the continent, the smallest penguin to breed there is the Chinstrap with a height of 68cm - 27 inches. As well, the Rockhopper penguin with a height of 55cm - 21.6 inches, breeds on sub-Antarctic islands.