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Q: Why does rabbits get black spots on there skin?
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A white dog with black spots are called?

A Dalmatian has black spots and white skin

What is the Skin color of cheetah?

the skin colour of a cheetah is light orange with black spots

If the newborn rabbits have black skin what colour is their fur likely to be when they grow older?


Do rabbits have black skin?

No thay have a pinkish peachy brown color

Some dogs with spots have spotted skin in relation to where the spotted fur is so why doesn't a dog with black fur have black skin?

Why don't white people with dark hair have black skin?

Why is it important to carry out skin analysis?

i do notice :- wrinkles colour hairy skin or not how many black spots and much

What color is a yellow spotted lizard?

Their skin is almost completely black with yellow spots on it.

Do leopards have spots on their skin?

Spotted leopards do, but other leopards don't - such as black leopards.

Can a Vitamin B deficiency cause black spots on your tongue?

Wondering if medication can cause black spots on the skin? My wife is suffering from a desease called Addison and she takes Hydrocortone and Florinef.

What is solutions to remove skin marks and black pot on skin?

The solutions to remove skin marks and black pot on skin is by using home remedies like lemon juice,buttermilk,oats or almonds where you apply on the spots.

Is it common for a horse to be all black?

No, for a horse to be truly black it is very uncommon. To be considered fully black the coat has to be black. The eyes are usually brown. There are no sun spots or white spots on their skin. Their coats must be wholly black to be considered a true black horse.

How did the black plauge get its name?

The Black Plague (also called the Black Death) got its name because of the black spots the disease produced on the skin of its victims.