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This is just protein. I think it works kind of the same way as our body excretes sweat and salts. It's harmless.

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Q: Why does scum float to the top of the water from betta fish?
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What is the goal of flocculation in water treatment?

To make impurities float to the top in a scum, so that it can be removed.

How long do they make bubble nests your betta is a baby and doing that And why does the surface water get a scum over it?

Bettas can breed as early as 4 months old, so it's probably not a baby anymore. If the water has a cloudy scum over it (that's not the bubblenest) that means it's starting to grow fungus and you need to clean it right away.

How does pond scum eat?

Pond scum consists of algae. Algae is an autotroph, meaning they do not need to eat. Instead, they produce food internally from carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight using photosynthesis.Pond scum is a algae, a plant. It needs sunlight. If you want to not have pond scum, you need to aerate the water. Avoid plant fertilizers as they will just make the pond scum grow faster.

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Which type of water produce scum?

the pest uk water softener reliable efficient

Do pilot fish help sharks?

Pilot fish eat the bacteria and scum that accumulates on the sharks' scales, but other than that they just hitch a ride.

Metal ions in water can react with soap to form what?

Soap scum

Where do you get saltpeter?

Rocks. You can also collect the scum, when a brick is dropped into water.

Is soap scum of a chemical change?

No, the formation of soap scum is not a chemical change. Soap scum appears as the result of a physical change. Some of the soap and whatever has become incorporated into the soap and water dry. After the water is gone, the things left are from the soap and whatever mixed with the soap when it was "working" at cleaning.

What is in pond water?

There is water, pond scum, plant debris and other miscellaneous debris, and water-dwelling microbes.

What is the difference between scum and trash?

Trash is household waste. Scum is a waste matter that covers washing areas when using a soap in soft water areas. :)