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Bettas can breed as early as 4 months old, so it's probably not a baby anymore. If the water has a cloudy scum over it (that's not the bubblenest) that means it's starting to grow fungus and you need to clean it right away.

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Q: How long do they make bubble nests your betta is a baby and doing that And why does the surface water get a scum over it?
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Related questions

Why do female betas make bubble nests?

Female Betta fish do not make bubble nests.

Do male betta make nest even when there is no female?

Yes! Betta fish males can make bubble nests whether or not a female betta is present! Male bettas make nests when their home are in proper conditions and they are ready to breed.

Do female bettas make bubble nests?

Yes and No. The betta will make a bubble nest, but it is helpful to the betta to have the bottom half a styrofoam cup in the tank for the betta to build it on, it would most likely build one anyway if there was a place to build one though. Good luck!

Why your male fighting fish makes bubbles alone?

Male Betta fish make bubble nests when they are happy ^^ I have only had male Betta fish and after a day or two of playing with them and feeding them or even just talking to them they make their nests to show you that you made them happy.

Do goldfish build bubble nests?

Goldfish do not build bubble nests for their eggs/fry. Instead they go to the surface to breadth because the oxygen quality in the water is poor and accidentally make bubbles.yes alot of fish do

Why do baby Betta fish stay in bubble nests?

because if the eggs were left unguarded, other fish would eat them. and it makes it easier for the dad to clean.

Why isn't my male betta blowing a betta fish?

I assume that you intended to ask why your male betta isn't blowing a bubble nest. Male bettas blow bubble nests when they are happy and ready to mate. some build them easier than others, some wont even build one until they see the female or even until they are actually fertilizing the eggs. To encourage your betta to build a bubble nest, be sure he has enough room (at least 2.5 gallons) not a lot of surface motion on the water, make sure the water is at least 78*. You can also let your betta flare at his reflection by putting a mirror up against the glass. this is good exercise and may kick start his territorial instincts and encourage the building of a bubble nest.

Why do male bettas blow bubble nests when they don't have a female near?

Only male Betta fish make bubble nests! they make these for the females, who will lay her eggs in it!

What do betta bubble nests look like?

It looks like a bunch of tiny bubbles bunched together, kinda like foam but the bubbles are about the size of a pin head.

Why isn't my betta fish making abubble nest?

He might just not be ready yet. Males either make bubble nests out of happiness, or if they are breeding. If you want him to breed, he might just not be ready yet.

Should you be worried if your Betta used to make bubble nests all the time but stopped about a month ago?

Water temp is the key, bettas are a bubble nest builder, that does not mean they will constantly build nests, its important if the fish is alone "to build a nest" that there are no sudden water temp changes, and the fish is living in some what of clean water and is being fed, the short answer to your question is no I would not be worried. the fish is no different than anything else it moves on an then goes back to what it species has done forever. One other thing that has come to my attention or thought, the betta that you have is a mature male betta.

Why do betta fish blow bubbles?

The bubbles are a bubble nest. Male bettas are the ones that take care of the kids in betta society. They blow the nest and that usually means he's happy or ready to reproduce. They also sometimes blow them when the composition of their water changes or their is a barometric change in air pressure. It doesn't always mean they are ready to be parents, though and sometimes perfectly healthy males won't blow them.