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Water temp is the key, bettas are a bubble nest builder, that does not mean they will constantly build nests, its important if the fish is alone "to build a nest" that there are no sudden water temp changes, and the fish is living in some what of clean water and is being fed, the short answer to your question is no I would not be worried. the fish is no different than anything else it moves on an then goes back to what it species has done forever. One other thing that has come to my attention or thought, the betta that you have is a mature male betta.

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Q: Should you be worried if your Betta used to make bubble nests all the time but stopped about a month ago?
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If your betta sleeps a lot should you be worried?

No. Bettas sleep a lot. It's good for them

Why do female betas make bubble nests?

Female Betta fish do not make bubble nests.

Will the betta eggs die if the male betta finds them?

Actually, with bettas it's the male that cared for the bubble nest rather than the female. You should leave the male with the nest and separate the female.

Why doesn't my betta fish have a bubble net?

It probly is a female

What does a blue female betta fish look like?

it looks like they have a big bubble in their side

Why did my female betta or what I think is my female betta made a bubble nest when I moved her from my community tank to her own tank do I have a female betta or a short fin male?

If you would like to know what gender your betta is, look for the egg spot. (for females) It should be a small white cloud between the head and body. If your betta has one, it's a female. If your betta doesn't have one, it's a male.

Do female bettas make bubble nests?

Yes and No. The betta will make a bubble nest, but it is helpful to the betta to have the bottom half a styrofoam cup in the tank for the betta to build it on, it would most likely build one anyway if there was a place to build one though. Good luck!

What is wrong with your Betta fish if he has a bubble over his eye and discoloration?

check the PH in the water,

What does the first bubble in a bubble nest look like?

It can not be mistaken for anything else. It is a tiny bubble at the surface of the water but it will not be a single bubble for more than a minute or two. The male Betta builds his nest quite rapidly.

Do male betta's have babies?

Male Betta's do not have babies. The female lays the eggs, the male fertilizes them and then takes care of them in a "bubble nest" that he builds until they hatch.

Why is my female betta running from the boy I let him get to know her he made a bubble nest and she is watching him and he his dancing for her what's wrong?

Maybe your female betta is a lesbian lol

Your betta doesnt make bubble nest?

Your betta will only make a bubble nest if there is a female present in the tank typically by placing her in a breeder tank available at most local fish stores. Also I would suggest to have some floating plants, and some sort of plants so that the bubble nest can be anchored.