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Convection causes the air movement. The air over the fire is heated and being lighter, rises quickly. Cool air is sucked into the fire at the bottom to fill the vacuum, creating the draft.

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Q: Why does someone feel a draught when standing near a bonfire?
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Why when standing near a bonfire will someone feel a draught behind them?

The bonfire heats the air around it. The hot air rises. Other colder air on the ground level is drawn in or rushes in to replace the heated air that has risen. The colder air comes from around the bonfire including from behind you and you feel it as a draught or draft.

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The air over the fire is heated and being lighter, rises quickly. Cool air is sucked into the fire at the bottom to fill the vacuum, creating the heat.

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Why do we feel hot when you stand in front of a bonfire?

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In what way does does Percy feel different once he gets to the bonfire?

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What Way Does Percy Feel Different Once He Gets To The Bonfire?

He feels calm, happy and he feels at home.

Why do you feel hot when you stand in front of a bonfire?

because u stand beside the bonfire..oohhh anu get mu bah!!1 bahala kah,,,basta yan lang ung sagot ko

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