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It's a critical situation so it falls back and call for back-up!

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Q: Why does taking a cold shower make you less horney?
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How do you fix shower hot water when toilet is flushed?

Run a new cold supply line from the source. This will drain less pressure from the the cold shower line.

When using the kitchen sink why does the water in the shower upstairs go hot or cold?

The plaming tubes are all conected.When the cold water run in kitchen the cold water at the shower become less,so with less cold water at the mix cold-hot (the balance is desterb),making the water hoter.Same if you turn on the hot in the kitchen the water will be colder in the shower.

Explain why people would feel cold coming out of a hot shower?

Simply when the temperature outside the shower is less than inside the shower the person would feel colder than when they were previously in the shower.

Why a bathroom mirror fogged while you take a shower?

Cold air holds less moisture than warm air. When you run the shower with hot water, the moisture condenses on the cold mirror surface causing it to fog up. If you run the shower cold, the mirror will not fog up.

What you can do to use less water?

we can save water by turning off the Fauset and taking a short shower.

Which uses less water taking a bath or taking a shower?

Shower, because you don't need the water below the surface and it is already dirty. It's like sitting in your own used dirty water so you'll be dirty anyways so why use water. If your taking a shower your using clean water and you can turn off the water when you don't need it.

What takes less to fill a bath or shower?


Which is better for the environment bath or shower?

Shower - it uses less water

What type of towels wrap you up in comfort when you get out of the shower?

Large towels are best for when you get out of the shower so it wraps you up completely and less likely to feel cold. Cotton fabric towels is soft for your skin and absorbs the moisture allowing you to dry.

What uses less energy a bath or a shower?

Shower, most likely. If the water temperature is the same, then it all depends on the amount of water used. If you take short showers, then showers use less energy. If you take super long showers, then either take a bath, or hurry up. I'd think that it's more common to take cold showers than cold baths as well.

Do it take less water to take a shower or a bath?

It depends how long it takes you to shower

Why does bath use more water than a shower?

Because to fill up a bath you need to use a lot of water, this water is more then what a typical person would use to shower (showers use less water/min then filling up the bathtube)