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Q: Why does the Catholic Bible have 7 more Books than the Geneva and King James Bibles?
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How many books are in a holy bible?

The Hebrew Bible has 24 books, Catholic Bibles have 73 books, Protestant Bibles have 66 books, and Eastern Orthodox Bibles have up to 81 books.

How many books are in the New Testament of Catholics bible?

Catholic bibles and Protestant bibles contain the same 27 books in the New Testament.

Does the Catholic Bible include Leviticus?

Roman Catholic AnswerFunny thing about that, the Catholic Church wrote and approved the Bible, all approved Bibles are "Catholic Bibles". Without the Catholic Church there would be no Bible today. The only non-Catholic Bibles are protestant Bibles, and the only difference in them, is that they have removed some books from the Old Testament with which they did not agree. So, to answer your question, of course the Bible includes the book of Leviticus.

Which books in the apocrypha were translated from the Hebrew Bible?

none. they were included in some Bibles along with old testament books, but most current Bibles no longer have them. The Catholic Bible does still contain the aprocyphal books

If there are two different Bibles namely the Catholic and the Protestant Bible which one is accuratly the true and correct Bible?

The catholic bible has about seven books added to he bible.

What are the 7 major books only in Catholic bibles?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe books in the Septuagint translation of the Bible which the protestants removed from their Bible are: TobitJudithadditions to EstherWisdomSirachBaruchadditions to Daniel1 Maccabees2 Maccabees

Do Catholic have different Bibles from the rest of the Christians?

Yes. The Catholic Bible is a different translation and has more books in the Old Testament.

Do all bibles have the same amount of books or chapters in them?

the catholic bible has book in it that all other bibles do not. Other than that every bible has the same books and chapters and verses they just have slightly different wording.

Why does the Catholic Bible have more books than the other Bibles?

Yes the catholics have seven more books in their bible like Tobit Judith Huckabee 1 and 2 and others.

What bibles include the Apocrypha?

The Roman Catholic Bible currently contain 7 Apocryphal Books in the O.T.. At one time they included 11 books.

How many books is The Bible?

There are 39 books or 46 books in the Old Testament scripture depending on which Biblical canon you accept. The Protestant Bibles have 39 books and the Catholic Bibles have 46 which include an additional 7 Apocrypha or Deuterocanonical books.Rabbinic Judaism recognizes 24 books of the Tanakh or Hebrew Bible, which are the core books accepted in the Old Testament of Christian Bibles. The Hebrew Bible combines several books into a single book (e.g. 12 minor prophet books were originally grouped as a single book) so this accounts for some of the discrepancy in the count for number of books.New Testament cannon is 27 books in both Protestant and Catholic Bibles.

Difference between Catholic bible and King James?

The Catholic Bible includes the Apocyra, which are Jewish religious books. These Jewish books are not recogonized as being authentic by most Jews, so they are left out of Jewish Holy books and Protestant (King James) Bibles.