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Q: Why does the Mississippi state flag still have a symbol of confederate flag on it?
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Are there still racist people in Georgia?

Probably. There are still racits in nearly every state, and Georgia was part of the confederate.

Was Maryland a union state or confederate state?

it didn't join the civil war. during the war slavery was still legal

What state did the battle Vicksburg take place in?

It was won by the United States, and lost by the Confederate States. Vicksburg was the last Confederate stronghold on the Mississippi. Its loss ended the war in the West, and enabled Grant to proceed to Chattanooga and reinforce the Army of the Cumberland. It gave him high credibility, resulting in his appointment as General-in-Chief of the Union armies a few months later.

What symbol of the south in America's civil war still causes controversy when its displayed?

The Stars and Bars, or also called the Confederate battle flag.

What state's flag still has the civil war rebel flag as part of its design?


is Mississippi still a slave state?

There are no longer any slave states in the United States.

How many hours is Atlanta from Mississippi?

Atlanta is a city and relatively compact but Mississippi is a state. Drive times "to Mississippi" depend on where in Mississippi you are going. Driving from Atlanta to roughly the center of the state of Mississippi, along Interstate 20 would take you about 5.5 hours - and you would still have an hour to go before you got to Jackson, Mississippi.

Why did the Georgia state flag change in 2001?

The Georgia state flag used from 1956-2001 featured a Confederate Battle flag, which some Georgia residents found offensive due to its contemporary use as a symbol of white supremacy. From 2001-2003 a redesigned flag was used, but was ranked the worst in a survey of North American flags. A new flag was drafted in 2003 and is still in use today.

What state made up the counties that broke away from the confederate state?

The new state of West Virginia, which became a Union state, even though it was still practising slavery on a small scale.

Which states are confederate states?

Now there are no confederate states but there are some people who still have confederate beliefs.

When did Mississippi change its child emancipation from age 18 to age 21?

Mississippi changed its child emancipation age from 18 to 21 in 2012 with the passage of Senate Bill 2594. This means that individuals in Mississippi are now legally recognized as adults at the age of 21.

Why do some states still have the confederate flag?

Some states have incorporated the Confederate Battle Flag into their state flags as a mark of their heritage. At this point I think the secret reason they still have it is because they find it so much fun to watch people get their panties in a twist about it.