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Because of supposed tradition. It's a very sexist and outdated idea that is sorely dull. It's the same reason girls can't be in a church choir, and you only see boys.

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Q: Why does the Roman Catholic Church not allow women to be ordained?
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What is the Roman Catholic feel about the Anglican church?

Catholic church feel that they are heretic for this reason they do not follow the word of God to avoid doing adultery by legalizing divorcement.Moreover,they ordained women priest and Bishop that Jesus did not allow.

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It was Henry VIII who pulled England out from under the authority of the Roman Catholic church and the Pope, and established the Church of England under the headship of the King. He did this because the Roman Catholic Church would not allow him a divorce.

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In the Roman Catholic Church (Eastern and Western rite) there are seven sacraments. Of these only "Holy Orders" is reserved for men. Holy Orders is sometimes called ordination. Other denominations such as Anglican allow women to be ordained.

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The Anglican Church is not called the Anglican Catholic Church, and the Catholic Church is not formally known as the Roman Catholic Church even though the Vatican is indeed located in Rome. Your question therefore would more accurately read, can an Anglican priest say Mass at a Catholic Church. The answer is, the Catholic religion does not allow Anglican priests to officiate at their rituals. The Anglican Church, despite being extremely similar to the Catholic Church in most respects, is nonetheless regarded by Catholicism as a heretical schism.

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The Episcopal Church was founded by King Henry VIII in the 16th century. He was seeking a divorce from a wife and the Roman Catholic Church would not allow it so he broke with the Roman Church and created his own.

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no he didn't because divorce was not allowed in the roman catholic church. Henry therefore created the church of England

Are people baptized in Aglipayan rites accepted by the Roman Catholic Church?

While similar to the Catholic religion, they are not Catholic as they do not accept the authority of the pope and also allow for married clergy.

Can the pope be a woman?

No, because the Catholic church has yet to allow women to be ordained as priests (they are only allowed to become nuns), and the Pope is selected from the world's cardinals--who were once priests.

Does the Catholic Church allow marriages between cousins?

No... unless you are fourth cousins. Sorry

If you are Roman Catholic can you still be an ordained minister and get married?

I believe you can be an ordained deacon. Under the Roman Rite, you cannot be married and a priest. There may be some exceptions for Episcopal priests who were married and who converted. Also, the Melchite Rite, which accepts Roman authority, might allow a married priesthood. In some of the eastern rites of Catholicism a married man is allowed to become a priest but a priest is not allowed to marry after he has been ordained.

Is there a Roman Catholic sect that allows priest to marry and who?

First of all there is no "Roman" Catholic, it is just Catholic. Secondly there are no Catholic "sects" there are Rites within the Church but they are all Catholic, they all follow the Pope in Rome as the Vicar of Christ. Thirdly, no Catholic priest may attempt marriage after ordination, they all take a vow of celibacy. However, most of the Rites in the Church allow men that are already married to be ordained, thus most of the Rites have married priests. The Latin Rite (which is the largest and most visible especially in the western world) only ordains celibate men ordinarily. There are exceptions (like the Anglican priests who convert), but again, no priest may attempt marriage after ordination. Any priest who was married when he was ordained may not marry again if his wife dies.

Is the Roman Catholic an Anglican church?

First allow me to point out: It's just Catholic, not Roman Catholic. Roman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is never used by the official Catholic Church. Second, the Catholic Church has been around since 33 A.D., and was formed by Our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ on St. Peter (see Matthew 16:17-19). The Anglican Church was formed out of nothing by Henry VIII in the 16th century when he wanted a divorce from his wife and the Church would not grant him one, so he took his entire nation out of the Church and formed the Anglican Church for the sole purpose of giving him a divorce, and making him head of the Church. So, no, the Catholic Church is most definitely not an Anglican Church.