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heyyyyy lol!

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Q: Why does the Yahoo logo have include an exclamation point in it?
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Why does the Yahoo Logo include the exclamation point?

"Yahoo" had already been trademarked for barbecue sauce by EBSCO Industries and that's why Jerry & Filo had to put an exclamation to get a unique trademark for themselves..

Why does the Yahoo logo have and excalmation poin?

because the man who made yahoos father died with a knife in his throat so now that man uses an exclamation point to forget about his lost.

Why does the yahoo logo have exclamation point?

Good question, but perhaps because the word itself is an exclamation - like Yippee! Hooray!, etc. Yahoo! is essentially the same as those two, and perhaps it is meant to mean great, wonderful, fantastic - one is excited to use it (me don't think so!). So just think......... we could have had Yippee! Mail, or Hooray! Mail.

What is the logo of Yahoo?


In what year was the Yahoo logo designed?

The Yahoo logo was designed in 1995 by Organic, Inc. It is very similar to the Youth International Party logo from the 1960s, and it is wondered if Yahoo took its inspiration from the Yippie logo.

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It isn't...

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Yahoo, Yakult

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probably meant exclamation mark. Not sure.

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PEUGEOT. Do a yahoo search and see its logo.

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the Mercedes logo is the three point star

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Rolex has a 5 point gold crown logo.