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At the beginning of the third trimester (28 weeks) the baby will probably be lying head up in the womb. Around the 35th week of the pregnancy and onwards, the baby normally turns around so that he is facing head downwards, ready to be born. However, not all babies do this, this is just the 'norm.' Some babies remain head up in the womb, this is called a breech position and can cause complications at the birth. This is one of the most common reasons for an elective caesearian.

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it lays upside down to prepare itself for delivery.

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Q: Why does the baby lie upside down in the womb?
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What time do baby's go to sleep on babydow because it is 8am and they are telling me to put my baby to bed?

Because, the time on your computer is not the same as in babydow. You should be careful of what they are saying, because sometimes they say; Give it a nap ; Lie down. If it say's lie down, the baby will go to sleep until the next day. If it say's give it a nap the baby will have a short sleep. But you choose how long you want it nap for.