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Your question is not understandable. But if u mean, What happens on the first day of hajj ?

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On the first day of the Hajj, Muslims enter theSacred Mosque and circle the Ka'ABBA counter clockwise seven times, they thenkiss the Black Stone

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Q: Why does the first day of Hajj happen?
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Related questions

What date is the last day of hajj?

13th Zil Hajj.

What are the 3 pillars called in the hajj?

There are 5 pillars in Islam. they are: fasting, hajj, praying 5 times a day,giving charity and the first saying of the prophet. that is what i think.

How often does hajj happen?

Once every year

What is the first day of hajj called?

I know because i am a Muslim but im not sure if its right i think its albarik

What celebrations do Muslims observe?

We mainly celebrate the end of fasting, the day of hajj, the prophet's birthday.

What are the two main holidays for Islam?

Eid ul Fitr on the first day of Shawwal and Eid ul Azha on the tenth day of Zil Hajj.

Is the hajj and hajura the same thing?

No , Hajj is main piller of islam and Hajura is probably spelling mistake . _____________________________________________ Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam five pillars. Hajoura is the 10th day of the first month (called Muharram) in the Islamic Lunar calendar and is celebrated by Muslims.

What are the fa rd of hajj?

The fard of Hajj is: the obligatory Hajj is the 5th pillar of Islam: Performing Hajj to the house of Allah in Makkah once in a lifetime for those who are able physically and financially. this one time hajj is obligatory, and any other Hajj after the obligatory Hajj is cconsidered voluntary. Have a nice day. Kaiser.

What happens on the fourth day of thee hajj?

nothing, day of rest :)

What will happen if you do not behave on hajj?

Being well behaved a pre-requisit of Hajj. In certain cases it becomes obligatory to sacrifice a goat at Makka Mukarma.

What is the Day of Arafa?

Ninth day of Zulhajh ( Month of Hajj ) is called day of Arfa . It is prime day of Hajj ,the most important work is Waqoof e Arfa means stay at Arfa . It also marks the most important day of the Pilgrimage or Hajj for the millions of Muslims who make the trip to Mecca each year. This day, directly before Eid al-Adha,

What is hajj akhbar?

As-salāmu 'alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. Akhbari Hajj refers to every normal Hajj. It is called Akhbari Hajj(big Hajj) to distinguish it from Umrah which is called Hajj-e-Asghar (small Hajj). However, if the day of Arafaat is a Friday, the reward for such a Hajj is 70 times more. Please visit this site for hajj & umrah bookings.