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Q: Why does the flu start in Asia?
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Did the flu start in Mexico?

yes it did

How many people have been infected in Asia with swine flu?

Over 200

How many suspected swine flu carriers in southeast Asia?

there is expexted to be over 100 million

What is the most recent plauge and when did it start?

swine flu

What part of Africa did the Swine Flu start?

Swine flu began in China. Pigs (swine ) live with humans thus "swine" flu mutated and transferred to humans.

What is or was the most dangerous flu?

the most dangerous flu on Earth is h5n1 the bird flu it kills 60% of the people it infects. This virus mutated from a virus that could only affect birds, H5n1 is an epidemic across asia. The h1n1 flu is the next most dangerous flu. In the United States it's become an epidemic. The Swine flu h1n1 does not have a high death rate and this virus mutated from a virus that only affected swine or pigs. Most people that get h1n1 flu don't die, but without proper treatment it can start to kill you within 2 days. Swine flew symptoms are same as normal flew but more severe.

When will flu vaccinations be available?

They usually are available a month or so before the start of the flu season. In the Northern Hemisphere and US that is around September since the beginning of the flu season is October.

Where did he start his voyage?


What is Tami flu and doodoo?

Tamiflu is a prescription medication used to treat the influenza, or flu, virus. It can shorten the duration of the flu if taken as soon as symptoms start. doodoo is an alternative word for poop

When did the swine flu enter Maine?

In early 2009 at the start of the pandemic.

How does dystonia start?

it is said getting a flu shot for H1N1/swine flu, I GOT IT TODAY so did my brother 11/11/09!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What Asia country start with the letter H?

There is no country in Asia that starts with h