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The government needs tax because it needs money to pay for hospitals,schools,and community service. In order for the people to have those services, they contribute to the fund.

tax goes towards government spending on public services such as: healthcare, education, public transport etc...


To pay for goods that won't be provided by the free market


To ensure competition and protect consumers


Most uninformed people will tell you that society will collapse into ruins if it were not for taxation. This is very untrue and there are very few services it is even debatable for the government to take out of the hands of the free market. (Such as the police force, building an efficient network of roads, etc.)

But this is a very controversial question and I recommend you learn basic economics before deciding where you stand.


A government doesn't need the ability to tax.


taxes pay for things like government road projects, they pay firefighters, doctors, policeman; and generally make communitys run smoothly.
Because they need money

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Q: Why does the government need taxes?
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