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It depends on the sense in which you mean it ignites. The sun already ignited nuclear fusion of hydrogen billions of years ago, a reaction which has enough hydrogen fuel to continue for another several billion years. The sun cannot ignite the combustion of hydrogen as there is not enough oxygen to support combustion. At 27 million degrees Fahrenheit, the core of the sun is actually too hot for molecules such as water to exist anyway.

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Q: Why does the hydrogen in the core of the sun not get so hot that it ignites?
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Does the sun and the earth have a hydrogen core?

There's hydrogen at the core of the sun - that's the sun's main fuel - but earth's core is mostly iron and nickel.

What element does hydrogen bond with inside the Sun?

It doesn't bond with anything. The sun is too hot for chemical bonds to form. In the core of the sun, hydrogen atoms fuse with each other to form helium.

How hot is the sun?

The Sun is hot because in its core it is turning Hydrogen into Helium by a process called nuclear fusion. The helium is slightly less heavy then the bits of hydrogen used to make it and this difference in mass is turned into energy (light). This energy keeps the Sun hot and makes it shine.

Does sun and earth have a core in common?

Both the sun and Earth both have hot cores, but those cores are different. Earth's core is made mostly iron and nickel and consists of a liquid outer core and a solid inner core. Currents in the outer core are the source of Earth's magnetic field. The sun's core, like the rest of the sun, is made mostly of hydrogen and helium. In this core, hydrogen atoms fuse together to form helium, releasing enormous amounts of energy in the process.

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How hot is the core of the sun in kelvin?

The core of the sun is about 15 million Kelvin.

What is happening inside the sun that allows us to see it?

Inside the Sun - in the core - energy is produced. This keeps the Sun hot, producing the radiation which we see.Inside the Sun - in the core - energy is produced. This keeps the Sun hot, producing the radiation which we see.Inside the Sun - in the core - energy is produced. This keeps the Sun hot, producing the radiation which we see.Inside the Sun - in the core - energy is produced. This keeps the Sun hot, producing the radiation which we see.

What provides the energy for the sun?

The hydrogen core provides the energy for the sun.

Which are the two main that burn in the sun?

The two main elements found in the sun are Hydrogen and Helium. Hydrogen is converted in to helium through nuclear fusion which occurs when temperatures reach thousands of degrees and atoms collide with each other at high energy. This process can go on for billions of years before all of the hydrogen is used up. If the temperature of the core of the sun was 100 million Kelvin it would be hot enough to convert Helium into Carbon. Because the core of the sun is not that hot, helium and hydrogen are the two elements that keep the sun "burning".

Does the sun help produce hydrogen?

No. The sun is already made mostly of hydrogen and is actually consuming the hydrogen in its core and turning it into helium.

How does the sun create energy it is core?

Nuclear Fusion from hydrogen in it core and helium

Is the sun hot from the center?

Yes it has a core temperature of 157,000,000 Kelvin. That's 282,599,540 degrees fahrenheit! The heat does indeed come from the center of the sun by a fusion reaction of hydrogen.