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Because the earth blocks part of the light coming from the sun so only part of the moon is alluminated, causing it to look like it is changing shape.

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Q: Why does the illuminated part of the moon appear to change shape?
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Why does the moon seem to change shape from night to night?

What changes is the part of the Moon that is illuminated. We see the illuminated part of the Moon better than the dark part.

Why does the illuminated part of the Moon appear to change shape to us on Earth?

The shape of the moon changes to us on Earth because of the position that the Sun, Moon, and Earth are in at the time. If the Sun, Moon, and Earth are at a 180o angle withe the moon and sun on the out side then we will have a new moon because the earth will be blocking all the light away from the moon.

What is the moon and why does it appear to change shape?

The Moon is rocky body in orbit round the Earth. Its appearance changes nightly because as it orbits the Earth the amount of its surface we can see illuminated by the Sun changes because of our angle of view.

Why does the moon appear to change in shape?

the moon appears to be the shape that it is because of how the sun reflex on it from other side of the world

What does each shape of the moon mean?

It means that only part of the Moon is illuminated by the Sun.

Why does the Moon's appearance chages though a month?

As the moon circles the Earth, the shape of the moon appears to change; this is because different amounts of the illuminated part of the moon are facing us. The shape varies from a full moon (when the Earth is between the sun and the moon) to a new moon (when the moon is between the sun and the Earth).

What causes the moon to change its shape over the course of about a month?

The moon does not really change shape- its visible outline changes. This is due to the angle of sunlight falling on the moon in relation to the earth. If the sunlight is shining at a 90 degree angle from one side, then half the moon is illuminated and visible, half is dark.

What is the change called when the moon phases go from the full moon to the new moon?

A decrease in the illuminated portion of the Moon is called waning. When the illuminated portion is increasing, it is called waxing.

Is the moon always the shape of a circle?

The moon is a sphere. It is illuminated in our night sky when the sun shines on it. The sun always illuminates the same side of the moon. The moon's apparent shape - the shape we see - the part which is illuminated ranges from a left-facing thin crescent to a full circle to a right-facing thin crescent. This is because, due to the rotation of the earth, we are not always facing head-on to the side which is illuminated.

Does The shape of the moon change because the earth blocks light from the sun?

The shape of the bright image of the moon changes for that very reason. At times the remaining dark part may be faintly illuminated due to sunlight or moonlight reflected from the Earth to the Moon (and back to the observer). The actual shape of the Moon is not known to be affected by light.

Does the moon appear to change shape because of the Earth's shadow on the moon?

No. The earth's shadow on the moon is a lunar eclipse. The moon appears to change shape depending on which part of orbit the earth is in. The sun is almost always shining on one half of the moon (excluding during a lunar eclipse).

What causes the moon to appear to change shape over a lunar month?

It is simply the shadow of the earth over the moon. When none of the earth's shadow covers the moon, it is a full moon.