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Because the artery supplying the brain is larger, closer to the heart, and carries more blood than the blood vessels in the wrist.

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Q: Why does the pulse feel stronger at the neck than at the wrist?
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Related questions

Where in your body can you check your pulse?

Your wrist and the side of your neck.

Where would you feel a pulse?

on your wrist or neck. put your index and middle finger on the underside of your wrist or same two fingers on the side/front of your neck.

What happens if you cant feel your pulse?

The pulse can be felt in only a few places, on the wrist and on the neck and on the ankles. If you can not feel yours, you are not in the correct spot.

What is felt to find pulse?

You can feel many places. The most common are the wrist and neck.

Does your thumb have a pules?

yes it does and that's why when you're trying to measure your pulse on your neck or wrist you always feel for the pulse there with your pointer finger and your midlle finger because if you were to do that with your thumb you would get an inaccurate answer because both your thumb and your neck/wrist have a pulse

Throbbing at the wrist or neck caused by the beating of the heart?

It is your pulse in your neck and wrist from your heartbeat

Where can the pulse be detected?

A pulse can be detected in the chest,neck,or wrist

Where do hey check your pulse?

At your wrist or along the side of your neck At your wrist or along the side of your neck

Where are the places were you can fell your pulse?

wrist and neck.

What is the pulse in the neck called?

anywhere there is a strong arterial pulse is where you find the pulse. carotid artery in neck (inside the vertical neck muscle) brachial pulse in babies in the upper arm between the muscles on the inside. wrist pulse (in the crook tween the middle tendons on the inside and the thumb side of the wrist)... femoral = inside mid thigh

Where should you find the pulse in a stroke victim?

You can find the pulse on the body either on the wrist or the neck. When checking for the pulse on the wrist you make sure you are checking on the side of the thumb using your pointer finger and middle finger. When you are checking on the neck (using the pointer finger and middle finger as well) take you fingers and go from the ear towards your chin. You will feel a little indenct on the neck but under the jaw. You should be able to feel the pulse in that area.

What are the different location of pulse?

A pulse is defined as a regular throbbing caused in the arteries by the contractions of the heart. In an infant, the best location to feel a pulse is in the brachial area (ante-cubital fossae); in an adult, the pulse is best felt either in the tracheal area (neck) or at the radial artery in the wrist. in the buttox