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Q: Why does the shell stick in the gun after you fire it?
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What did the Native Americans called the gun?

The native Americans call the gun a fire stick. It is not funny dude

How do you use a potato gun?

you stick the tip of the gun into the potato pull the trigger then its loaded then fire at will!

What gun was the powerfulest gun in world war?

The railway-gun Schwerer Gustav which could fire an 31 inch , seven ton shell twenty-three miles away .

What gun can shoot the furthest in the world?

The Kaiser Wilhelm gun of WW 1 could fire a shell about 81 miles. These were mounted on railroad cars.

Can you fire a 3 and 2 12 410 shell in the same gun?

If the gun is chambered for 3" shells yes you can. Should state on the barrel what it has been cambered for.

What gun has a shell that is 3 inches long?

Shotguns are the primary firearm type that fire shells. Certain shotguns will chamber and fire shells that are 3 inches long.

How do you use a gun on stick RPG 2?

All you have to do is get into a fight (by clicking on someone with a glove above their head*) the switching to a gun** by tapping the weapon number the gun is, then click to fire. * Cannot be in the gym **Must have obtained a gun

Where can you get the part that ejects the shell on a bridge gun company 410 serial numbera766477?

The Bridge Gun co. shotguns were made by the Crescent Fire Arms Company. You can try for parts at: Numrich Jack First Bob's Gun Shop

What does 410 bore proof tested mean?

It means that you have a .410 shotgun, and that the barrel has been subjected to a "proof" test. A special high pressure shell is fired during proofing that has much more energy than any shell you could buy. If the gun can safely fire that very powerful shell, it has been "proofed", and should be safe to fire with any standard shell.

Is a air rifle or BB gun a fire gun?

Air rifles use compressed air or C02 to propel the BB or pellet. They do not use gunpowder. Their is no bullet shell and bullet just the BB or pellet.

How does an automatic gun work?

When the gun is fired the shell casing is ejected by the blow-back gas and the next bullet is automatically loaded. All in one motion. The next bullet is now ready to fire.

How do you murder a turtle?

just stick a knife in its head lol D: if its head sticks in its shell, stick the knife in its shell