

Why does the sun appear to cross the sky during the day?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Ah, an ancient question. It is not that the Sun is moving, so much as we are. Many moons ago, it was believed that the Earth was the center of the universe. Religiously, this made sense. For the ruling Catholic church at the time, it made sense that God's most prized creation would be at the center of his vast universe. Also, this made sense from a scientific standpoint, at the time. A man could look down and see nothing moving, but look up and observe the Sun change position. Therefore, it was concluded that the universe was geocentric. Then Galileo came along and made his fateful announcements. Discovering a moon orbiting Jupiter I believe, he concluded that the universe was heliocentric. This means that we (Earth) was in fact orbiting the Sun, and that we were spinning on our axis around the Sun. Though he could prove this with his newfangled 'telescope', he was not believed by the Church and was given an ultimatum. He could either admit his mistake and be put under house arrest for the rest of his life, or be killed. He admitted his mistake, though only half-heartedly. Until his death, Galileo continued to produce books on astronomy and science, many of which are highlighted in Dan Brown's hit novel Angels & Demons.

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