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Because the effect of the strong nuclear force falls (SNF) off more steeply as a function of distance than does the electromagnetic (coulomb?) (EMF) force. The SNF is an attractive force, that tends to hold nuclei together, while the EMF is an attractive/repulsive force (depending on polarity of charge) that tends to blow nuclei (at least, protons) apart. In the short distances for small nuclei, the SNF wins, but, starting at atomic number 83, bismuth, the EMF starts to win based on distance, which is why all nuclides with atomic number greater the 82 (lead) are unstable (radioactive).

Not asked, but answered for completeness sake; even for smaller nuclei, such as carbon, the proton/neutron ratio can lead to an unstable, i.e. radioactive, configuration, based on the weak nuclear force, which also enters into the picture.

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Q: Why does the the relative importance of the coulomb force compared to the strong nuclear force increase at large mass numbers?
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Why the Coulomb force as compared to strong neuclear force increase at large mass numbers?

That's because the strong nuclear force only acts at very short distances.

Does a voltage have one terminal?

No. Voltage is the potential difference in energy between two charges. (Volts is joules per coulomb.) Since it is potential, that means it is relative, and in order to be relative, there must be two terminals.

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He was famous for coulomb's law

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Charles Augustin de coulomb discovered the coulomb's law in the 1780s. and limestone 1820

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Coulomb discovered Coulomb's law in 1785 after a series of experiments relating to electromagnetism. He published the findings of his three reports in 1785.

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Approximately 6.25E18 electrons in a Coulomb.

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What is the SI unit for the electric charge?

The Coulomb. If 1 Coulomb is transmitted per second this is 1 Ampere

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One Coulomb is the charge of about 6,241,510,000,000,000,000 electrons, so it looks likea Coulomb would probably be bigger than the charge on one electron.

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charles de coulomb was known for the coulomb law.IN FRANCEIT IS A FUNDEMENTAL LAW OF ELETROSTATICS

How can you Derive relation between 1 coulomb stat coulomb?

1 coulomb= 3*109 statcoulomb

What is a Coulomb?

The coulomb is the SI unit of electrical charge. A coulomb, a unit of electrical charge, is defined as the amount of electric charge transported by a current of 1 ampere in 1 second. There are 6.241506×1018 electrons (or elementary charges) in a coulomb. A link is provided to the Wikipedia post on the coulomb.