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turtle because there homes are part of there life

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Q: Why does the turtle always carry its house?
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Related questions

When was Turtle House created?

Turtle House was created in 1820.

Is turtle poop toxic?

It's not toxic but like any feces it can carry diseases. Always wash your hands after coming in contact with it.

I carry my home on my back?


How many travelers could the turtle submarine carry?

David Bushnell's "Turtle" submersible was designed to carry one person; the operator.

Is it okay to carry water turtles?

It is ok to carry your turtle but I don't recommend that you do it often because it can stress on the turtle. If you are going to carry the turtle make sure that all of its legs and shell are supported. It wont like the feeling of hanging in mid air.

What is the turtle's house called?

A turtle makes its own house called a shell, scute or scutum.

What does turtle always do?

they swim

Can butterflies give you warts?

No. You don’t get warts from holding/touching a turtle. They can carry other contagion tho. Always wash your hands after touching one.

Who bet turtle to go in the westing house?

Turtle made the bet herself

What are the names of house of turtle?

A turtle carries his for life on his back- it's his shell.

How can you attract a turtle back to your house?

You can attract a turtle by putting out lettuce or carrots!!

How do you tell a female sea turtle from a male sea turtle?

the male turtle has a longer tail than the female turtle. the female turtle is always larger than the male turtle..