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Thunder is the sound made when lightning violently heats air, so that it expands rapidly (think explosion)

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Q: Why does thunder usually appear during storms that have lightning?
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Related questions

Is there lightning and thunder during typhoon?

There is no lightning or thunder during the majority of typhoons. However, lightning and thunder have been occasionally reported during typhoons.

Is thunder the same as lightning?

Thunder and lightning occur roughly at the same time during a thunderstorm, but they are different things. Typically you see the lightning first and then you hear the thunder.

Why does thunder ussually occur during storms that have lightning flashes?

The thunder is the sound of lightning but you only hear the thunder after the flash because lightning is faster than the speed of sound.

What is a thunder lightning outcome?

A thunder lightning outcome refers to the simultaneous occurrence of thunder and lightning during a thunderstorm. The thunder is the sound produced by the rapid expansion of heated air surrounding a lightning bolt, while the lightning is the visible discharge of electricity between clouds or between a cloud and the ground. A thunder lightning outcome is a common occurrence during thunderstorms.

What happens during a lightening storm?

Thunder and lightning

Does lightning only strike during thunderstorms?

A thunder storm is one in which a large amount of thunder is heard. Thunder is caused by lightning; it would be more correct to say that a thunderstorm only occurs with lightning strikes.

Why does thunder usually occur during storms that have lightning?

Opposite electrical charges inside storm clouds separate, causing lightning to flash towards Earth. Lightning has enough energy to heat the air all around it. This sudden burst of heat is what causes the noise we know as thunder.

What is the result of the lightning during the storm?

released energy, thunder.

What do thunder and lighting have in common?

Thunder and lighting are both products of a thunderstorm. Lighting is a static discharge that usually occurs during a thunderstorm (though it can also occur in some volcanic eruptions) and thunder is the shockwave produced by lightning.

Why does thunder usually occur during storms that have lightning flashes?

Opposite electrical charges inside storm clouds separate, causing lightning to flash towards Earth. Lightning has enough energy to heat the air all around it. This sudden burst of heat is what causes the noise we know as thunder.

Is lightning and thunder alike?

No, though they are closely related phenomena. Lightning is an enormous, bright electrical discharged that takes place during a thunderstorm. Thunder is the booming or cracking sound generate by lightning.

Can thunder kill?

Although rare, lightning strikes associated with thunder can be deadly. Thunder itself cannot directly kill someone as it is simply the sound produced by the rapid expansion of heated air during a lightning strike. It is the electrical discharge of lightning that can be fatal if it strikes a person directly. It's crucial to seek shelter indoors during a thunderstorm to stay safe.