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To impress Becky

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Tom is trying to protect Huck by taking the blame for their tardiness. He cares for Huck and doesn't want him to get in trouble. Tom also enjoys the mischievous nature of their conversations, so admitting that they were talking adds an element of excitement to the situation.

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Q: Why does tom admit to the schoolmaster that he is late because he has been talking to Huck?
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Why does to begin to have trouble sleeping?

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Why does Tom begin to have trouble sleeping?

He had trouble sleeping because Huck was talking to his self in his sleep

Why does pap was trying to kill Huck?

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Huck Finn appeared in the doorway as Tom was talking to Aunt Sally. Huck had returned to witness the formalities of "Sid's" safe return.

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Jim is initially startled when he sees Huck on the island, as he believes that he has seen a ghost. However, he quickly realizes that Huck is alive and is relieved to be reunited with him. Jim is happy to see Huck safe and well.

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Huck doesn't turn Jim in because Jim in Huck's first TRUE friend. Jim is also the only "family" Huck has ever had that cares so much about him and will protect him.

Why does Pap try to kill Huck in the cabin?

Pap tries to kill Huck because he is angry that Huck has money and refuses to give it to him. Pap feels entitled to use Huck's money for alcohol and believes that Huck owes it to him. This demonstrates Pap's selfish and abusive nature towards Huck.

Why is the king so angry with Huck?

Because Huck says he say "n*ggers" going into his bedroom and he didn't say anything. This is a lie. But the king is angry because he believes that Huck should have been smarter about it.

Whose tracks does Huck recognize in the snow?

Huck recognizes the tracks of Pap, his abusive father, in the snow. Huck is frightened after seeing them because he knows that Pap is a dangerous and unpredictable person.

Why did Tom envy Huck?

Tom envied Huck because he admired his freedom and independence from societal norms. Huck's carefree attitude and lack of restrictions appealed to Tom, who was constrained by rules and expectations. Tom longed to have the same autonomy and sense of adventure that Huck possessed.

Why did pap want to find Huck?

Pap wanted to find Huck because he was after his money. Pap viewed Huck as his property and wanted to control him for personal gain.

Why does Pap yell at Huck for becoming civilized Is he right?

Pap yells at Huck because since he has become civilized he thinks that Huck is now better than him so then he becomes angry