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Q: Why does turmeric stain become red on apply in soap?
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What is the effect of soap water on turmeric solution?

the turmeric solution changes into red in colour as turmeric solution is an indicator and reveals that soap solution is a base.


It is because turmeric contains an acid (tartaric acid), while the soap contains a base (sodium hydroxide). When an acid reacts with a base, neutralization reaction takes place and the stain becomes neutral.

What happens when turmeric is mixed with soap?

The color become red.

How do you remove the turmeric stain from the leather sofa?

try regular dishwashing liquid soap (like Ajax)

How do you remove paint stains?

Apply Kerosene on the paint stain and rub it with hand and brush, then wash it with soap

Why does turmeric turn red when contacted with detergent?

It is because turmeric contains an acid (tartaric acid), while the soap contains a base (sodium hydroxide). When an acid reacts with a base, neutralization reaction takes place and the stain becomes neutral.

Why does soap and lime juice solution turn red with turmeric?

lime juice and soap solutions turn red in turmeric because turmeric is an organic indicator which turns red in acidic or basic solution and lime juice is an acidic solution while soap is a basic solution

Why should you not try to wash off a trmeric Stan on your clothes with soap?

You CAN pre-treat the stain (quickly) by using detergent and a brush, and then washing it in hot water, and drying in direct sunlight. Turmeric is a dye, using water before detergent can spread the stain, and make it permanent (yellow)

How do you get a sick stain from a cream sofa?

When the stain is still fresh, apply white wine. The color begins to disappear and then all you're left with is the wet part of the stain. If the stain is dry, then use a little soap that is safe on the material (I would try Palmolive) and hydrogen peroxide. Spray, dab, or pour the mixture on the stain. Been there done that!

Why did clothes turn red when stained with turmeric and washed with soap?

It is because the turmeric contains a compound called cucumine.cucumine reacts with the fatty acid in the soap/detergent and thence the color of the combination changes to red.

Why does yellow curry stain on a white shirt turns red when it is washed with soap?

the curry contains turmeric contents(an indicator of acids/bases) which in turn turns to reddish brown to indicate the presence of base in the soap.hence proved..hehe!!...:D

What happen with Turmeric and soap solution?

when turmeric is added to soap it works chemically and the colour changes to red...