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as vinegar is CH3CO(OH) it contians O2 thus it can rust a screw.

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Q: Why does vinegar rust a screw?
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Will phosphoric acid rust a screw?

No, but it will pull the rust of a screw.

Why does iron rust in vinegar?

The acetic acid in vinegar attacks the iron and oxidizes it to rust.

What dissolves rust?

Vinegar dissolves rust. If you want to remove rust from an item soak it in vinegar for a bit and that should help get rid of it.

Which screw will rust faster an iron screw or a metal screw?

of course it is the iron screw because it is made up of minerals that rust faster then metal

What makes aluminum foil rust faster vinegar or water?

Actually, vinegar and saltwater makes it rust... it happened to me...

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i think vinegar will make a nail rust faster because vinegar will makes the mental with iron in them.

How long does it take for earrings to rust in vinegar?

If they are an alloy, they will eventually rust.

Will vinegar or baking soda stop metal rust?

A bath of vinegar removes rust in 24hrs. A bath of baking soda stops the vinegar from eating more into the metal.

How does rust occur?

rust occures by puting it in vinegar water

How do you destroy rust?

vinegar in a bowl

Will white vinegar stop rust?

no it can not

Why does vinegar rust?

Because vinegar contains acetic acid; acids are corrosive, and rust is a form of corrosion. The hydrogen ions of the vinegar form an intermediary as iron reacts with oxygen in the air. Rust is the common name for iron oxide.