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You know the old adage, it depends: It depends on the type of wine and the price, so I won't go in to this one too much, however sweet wines may linger longer than dry wines and cheap wines may linger longer than expensive ones.

It depends on the size of the room, a ballroom will carry the smell for much less time than a closet. It depends on the amount of wine served and how quickly the used glasses are picked up and washed or removed from the room. It depends on how much wine is spilled during the festivity or tasting. It may also depend on how sensitive the person asking this question is to smells in general and if any medical condition exists. For example: A person after chemothearapy may be more sensitive to smells. There are also other medical conditions that may contribute to sensitivity to smells. In addition, Persons who do not drink, or do not drink wine (God forbid) may be more sensitive to the smell of wine than others. And do not forget that there are Obsessive Compulsives (OCS) out there that cannot stand very much of anything, whether it be smells, sounds, sites, germs, etc.etc.etc.

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