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It is to make their digestion better when they play for awhile.

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Q: Why does your dog carry a toy around after eating?
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Can a chew toy cause a dog to Vomet?

Yes, A dog could vomet after eating a chew toy

What is a dog hobby?

playing with its toy or eating

What is an important thing to carry along while traveling with your dog?

maybe some dog food, water, and a chew toy and all of your needs

How can you take your hamster with you?

In a little toy doggy baggy (where you carry your dog all over)Or (maybe) in it's cage

Can toy breed have large breed dog?

No, a dog that is a toy breed has to reproduce with a dog of the same breed. This means that they will produce the same breed of dog. And not a dog out of the toy column.

What is a chihuahua's species?

from Mexico. toy dog.

Why does my dog whine when carrying a cuddly toy duck around?

My dog does that with his stuffed squirrel when he wants to go outside and bury it.

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you can carry a toy model

What is type of dog is Vanessa Hudgens dog?

Vanessa Hudgens' dog, Shadow is a toy poodles... I think

How long is a dog in whelp?

Dogs are in whelp, or pregnant for around 63 days. Toy breeds often give birth a week sooner than this and giant breeds carry their puppies a week longer than most.

What is the best way to teach dogs to identify words?

the best method thats seems to work with mine is: hold the object you want you dog to learn, for example: if you want your dog to know what TOY means, hold a toy, get the dogs attention, say "toy" then hold the toy out to your dog. your dog should sniff the object your offering to him/her. while he/she is sniffing the toy tell the dog what it is, say "toy". then stand straight and hold the toy away from the dog, say "toy" again and then throw it, saying "go get the toy" do this every single day for about a week and then tell your dog "Go get the toy. Toy. Toy. go get the toy." your dog should go get the toy. if you want him to learn a word like a command, sit, lay down, speak, then you have to show the dog what sit means and then reward him/her. for example say "sit" then force the dog into a sitting position, then praise your dog, even tho u did it for him/her.

What is the origin of a toy chihuahua?

its not a toy its a dog