

Why does your female hamster smell so much?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Probably you didn't clean its cage.

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Q: Why does your female hamster smell so much?
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Female hamsters have a noticably strong smell when they are in heat, compared to the scent of a male hamster. This strong scent is not only to attract a male, but can also be smeared onto something to distract one if the female needs to escape from him.

Do male hamsters smell worse than females?

No, if you clean their cage regularly. Most of Syrian hamsters will use one corner in their cage as a toilet, which makes cleaning easier. Female Syrian hamsters will often smell more when they are in heat.

How do you get your female hamster to accept the male?

If the female hamster is not on heat they will not mate, so just separate them until they're ready.

Can the scent of chocolate kill a dwarf hamster?

Yes it can. The smell of chocolate over stimulates the dwarf hamsters system. So yes the smell of chocolate can kill a dwarf hamster.

Will female Robo Dwarf Hamster have babies if there are no male?

No, there has to be a male so the female can get pregnant.

Can a baby hamster be with a big hamster?

No, unless the "big hamster" is the baby's mother. However if you touch the baby hamsters the mother sense your smell and the mother could eat or kill it because of the smell. So don't touch the baby hamsters.

What does a male Hamster do when the female Hamster is pregnant?

well usually when you have a pregnant hamster housed with a male hamster, the female will fight him visously until death. However once her babies are born, the male will eat them! So after you mate them, separate the 2 immediatly.

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Why does your hamster give off a pungent smell?

the pungent smell might be a condition called wet tail if so you should check the bottom of your hamster and if the back area is wet and covered with feces you should take your hamster immediately to the veterinarian.

Is a male Hamster smarter than a female hamster?

Actually it's the other way around the male has more dominance over the female so therefore they are naturally bigger.

What does it mean when your female hamster poops a lot when you are playing with her?

you might be feeding him too much but hampsters do poop alot anyway

Can you carry your dwarf hamster?

Yes you can.Carry and hold it as much as you want,Just make sure you wash your hands first so it won`t smell food on you.