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Its Dieing .

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Q: Why does your goldfish huddle upside down at the bottom of the tank?
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Why does goldfish swim upside down and is bloated?

If the goldfish is upside down and it is bloated, ................................It might be DEAD!

What should you do if your goldfish bowl turns brown and the goldfish are always swimming to the top?

Stop doing a handstand. If your goldfish is floating, it will float to the top, not the bottom, therefore, you must be upside down!

Do goldfish swim upside down If so why?

No! If they swim upside down, put ur kids in another room, take the goldfish and flush it down the toilet......cause it's dead

Why does my goldfish swim around side ways or upside down?

When their swimming upside down its usually a sign that their dying

How do you know when a goldfish when it is poorly?

Coz it will be upside down dummie :)

If my goldfish is swimming upside down does it really mean that he is australian?


What do you do with an upside down goldfish?

An upside down goldfish means it has a swim bladder disease. If that disease is detected on your goldfish early, it is treatable with isolation and medicated food. But if the disease is detected too late, the results are irreversible-it is a deadly disease.

Why are your goldfish swim upside down?

It's not swimming. It's dead. Sorry :(

What is wrong with a goldfish when they are found backwards?

If you mean they are upside down, then they could be dead...

Is a goldfish about to die when it turns upside down a lot?

not all the time i had a fish that did that and was fine.

Your goldfish is upside down at the top of the tank Is it dying?

It's most likely already dead.

What happens if your goldfish is swimming upside down and not breathing?

im not sure but my goldfish turns upside down and is pretty much dead but still breathing but hes got worms