

Why does your male kitten have a flabby bit?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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If you mean around their neck its because that where there mums pick them up when they are little.

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Q: Why does your male kitten have a flabby bit?
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What is a male kitten called?

Un-altered male cats are called Tom Cats.

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No. No Flabby Jack.

What is better to get as a male or female kitten?

Like people, kittens have different personalities. When young, they all are a bit playful but if you want an active cat, play around with them, a calm cat, watch what they do. It all depends on what you want from your kitten!

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I have a male black kitten and I named it Leo but his full name is Leonardo. Give your kitten a name that you'll be comfortable with for a long time. The kitten won't worry about it. There are no rules (shoulds).

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Killer is a cute name for a kitten. If the kitten is a male, you could name it King.

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