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maybe it likes her and is marking his territorry wich is marking her and it might just not be ready to breed yet :) dont worry when they are both ready they will probably breed ()_() <-----BUNNY

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Q: Why does your male rabbit spray urine on the female and not breed her?
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Do female rabbits spray urine?

While it is normal for rabbits to urinate when excited or scared it is not so normal for them to just wet themselves. The rabbit could have an infection of some type that will need to be treated so a trip to the vet would be recommended.

For female cats what is in that spray they spray?

A female cat, just like a male cat, can and will spray when on heat, or feel their territory is being threatened. They spray very strong-smelling urine to communicate with other cats in the area.

Do female goats spray urine on themselves?

No, they physically cannot. Only male goats that are uncastrated can.

What is your 5 year old female rabbit dying from if it has red smelly urine?

Most of the time that mean the rabbit/bunny has a bladder infection

What can happen if I touch my rabbit's urine?

Nothing will happen if you touch your rabbit's urine, unless you have a skin reaction to rabbit urine, which is highly unlikely.

What are the different characteristics between a male and female dwarf rabbit?

Generaly dwarf rabbits can be slightly nippy in either sex but main characteristic differences are males spray urine to mark teritories and females can start to get mean as they get older because they want bred.

Can rabbit urine give you cancer?

No, rabbit urine is not a carcinogen (cancer causing agent).

Is Male cat spray same as urine?

When cats spray, they are spraying urine. They aim it at a vertical surface for the purpose of marking. A diluted vinegar solution will usually neutralize the scent (although it will leave a vinegar smell instead). You can also buy enzyme type cleaners that remove the smell.

Is rabbit urine bad for your health?

I would be guessing seeing as most urine is not good for your health, that rabbit urine is just the same. I would be very worried about your mental health if you are contemplating whether to drink rabbit urine or not. Please, do not DRINK!

How often does a rabbit go into season?

When you breed them the chances are about 1 in 3 so dont be discouraged if it doesnt happen in the first 2 or3 trys When you breed them the chances are about 1 in 3 so dont be discouraged if it doesnt happen in the first 2 or3 trys

When cats are in heat and spray is it urine?

Yes, it's urine.

What attracts rabbits?

A male does not always need a mate Male rabbits, like other animals, are triggered by the female scent. If a male rabbit never smells a female rabbit, he will never know he is missing anything. If a male rabbit smells a female rabbit, he will always need to be with her. It is his job to make a lot of baby rabbits. If you don't intend to breed the male rabbit, it is best to have him neutered. He will be a happier rabbit and more docile. He will also only think about you and his food.