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Because there getting used to there new surroundings

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Q: Why does your new goldfish sit at the bottom of the tank all the time?
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Why is your goldfish at the bottom of the tank all the time?

Maybe your tank is not properly filtered and its water is bad. Are you following the basic rules of fishkeeping. " 1 inch of fish needs at least 1 gallon of water. (A goldfish is a 10 inch fish) Every tank must have a permanently running 'cycled' filter. Every tank must have at least 50% of its water replaced every week.

Can goldfish mate in 5 gal tank?

no. you should have 10gal of water per goldfish. you shouldn't have goldfish in a 5gal tank at all. they are huge waste producers

Why does your goldfish in the bowl stay in the bottom?

The reason why the goldfish is at the bottom of a fish bowl is because it is dead. (edit) It may also be resting. Fish do this from time to time. If it doesn't swim about at all, then it's probably dead though.

Can 2 goldfish mate when there is other goldfish in the tank?

It depends, if the goldfish are all males (or females) no, but if not of course they can mate.

Can goldfish live with snails?

I used to have snails with my goldfish and they got along swimmingly!

What is a good bottom dweller for your goldfish tank?

I had an albino plecostomus hang out in the bottom of my goldfish tank. He thrived quite happily with my comet and fancy goldfish. The only thing you have to be careful about is the ammonia levels can't get too high. Adding an ammonia filter to your water filter can help reduce the levels, too. I also had to give him algae supplements every week or so because he kept eating all the algae that built up. If you don't mind another large fish to add to the tank, dojo fish are also good bottom feeders.

What to do when the male chase the female goldfish all the time can you separate them?

Usually it's because the male wants the breed with the female so he chases the female around the tank! So unless you want little fry (baby goldfish) in your tank you should separate them!

Why would bubble eye goldfish stay in one certain spot on bottom of tank?

Bubble eyed gold fish have to stay at one spot in the tank because they feel like they rule the tank kind of thing and they want to watch all the other fish

How often does a goldfish fart?

There are several species of fish that are known to make bubbles. These include bettas, Siamese fighting fish, and goldfish.

Does the residential water well pump all the time?

The water is pumped for a certain time, as the water is pumped from the bottom tank to the top tank and we get our water for the day from the top tank only.

Do fish get hurt if they are contained in a small tank?

If you are talking about such a small tank that the fish is touching all sides at the same time, then yes. But if you are talking about a little goldfish in a 15cm x 15cm tank then no, it will just be a bit uncomfortable.

Do you need to separate sick goldfish from healthy goldfish?

Depending on what your sick goldfish has, it will either be specific to that fish, which you should place in a separate tank to treat, or it's something that will spread to other fish in your tank, in which case you will need to treat them all.