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Q: Why does your nose hurt after you fell backward hit your head?
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she fell on her nose

What does that mean if it makes your head hurt when you blow your nose?

your blowing to hard

Why does your head ache when you blow your nose?

your head is probably very congested and it might hurt form blowing your nose so often if you're sick

You have got hurt on the back side of your head and since then you have continuous pain in your head and often bleeding from nose what should you do?

Go to a doctor

How did red nose day begin?

when a man was treading in a road suddenly he fell down . his nose was bleeding . he was a diwan of his village . ignorant people saw their head's nose and thougt it was some kind of ....

Why is the spinx nose broken?

The nose fell of but not by Napolion it discintigrated

Did the Egyptians build the sphinx with a nose?

yes but the nose fell off

How you take your nose?

pain wise for a piercing it hurts if its not done properly it has to be done with moderatly fast speed , otherwise you can fell every layer pop and that will hurt . ¬¬ so dont do it

Why Does your nose hurt?


How do use stuffy in a sentence?

The room felt hot and stuffy. My nose was stuffy, my head hurt, and I ached all over because I had a cold.

What to do when you hurt your nose?

If your nose is broken, go to the ER. They will either perform surgery on your nose or patch it up. If it is only a nosebleed, wrap a piece of gauze around your finger, tilt your head back, and gently place the finger on the nose, not inside. Once bleeding has ended, carefully wash you nose out with water.

Palindromes a little chicks nose?

A palindrome is a word, phrase, number, or other sequence of characters that reads the same forward and backward. "A little chicks nose" is not a palindrome because it does not read the same backward as forward.