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Your worm farm is a living culture, a colony of organisms and tiny insects, all working together with your worms to convert organic matter into humus. So don't worry too much about any other little beasts that are in there. Earwigs and springtails are often found in worm farms and will help the worms break down the food.

Ants might move in if your farm is too dry. A little more moisture will drive them away. Open the bottom tap, remove the lid, and leave it out in the rain for ten minutes. This won't harm the worms, just like any rainstorm, but it will scare off the ants. (Remember that worms will climb up to get away from moisture, so don't let them climb out of the top.) If your worm farm has legs you can keep ants away with Vaseline on the legs, or by standing the legs in little dishes of water.

A good lid on the top should keep cockroaches away too, though they won't do any harm to the worms.

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There are many bugs that it could be. A worm farm is a living culture, and all sorts of organisms and little insects come and live there converting organic matter into humus. None of these insects will do any harm to your worms, in fact, they will help the worms with the job.

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How To Make A Worm Farm?

put them into a animal farm.

How do you collect worm pee from a worm farm?

normally have a pipe out the bottom of a plastic bin worm farm and just put a bucket underneath spout.

Can a fox eat a worm?

Yes, foxes will eat earthworks as well as insects and other arthropods.

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they eat earth worms and other insects to but I'm not sure about the others, but i am positive about the earth worm. if you type your question into google, maybe it can tell you some other insects:]

If you are worm farming worm how do they drink?

They just drink naturally and they use lips to drink water if you have a worm farm.

What are some insects that live in the soil?

the insects that live in soil are: earthworms, ants, slugs, potato bugs, red ants, ear wigs

What is the best way to regulate the temperature in a worm farm?

The ideal temperature for a worm farm so the worms can breed is 65 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit (18 - 25 degrees Celsius). If you live in a warm climate, place your worm farm in the shade, in the garage or shed, or even inside, as a properly managed worm farm has no smell. On a very hot day you can run cooling water through your worm farm (open the tap at the bottom) and then cover with a wet blanket or tarpaulin.

What food do you put in a worm farm?

A mud or A plant.

Why might one have a worm farm?

Worm farms are beneficial both to the farm owner and to the planet. You make nutritional soil to use and that soil helps the planet by being nutritional.

What does the Himalayan jumping spider eat?

Mainly other smaller spiders, flying insects, bugs, and even a small meal worm