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In the first place, solar eclipses happen at New Moon. Apart from that, the Moon has an orbit that is inclined to the plane of the Earth's orbit, and an eclipse can only occur when it is crossing that plane. If it is not, the Moon passes above or below the Sun and there is no eclipse.

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Q: Why doesn't a solar eclipse occur during each full moon?
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During what phrase can a solar eclipse occur?

A solar eclipse can only occur at the time of New Moon. A lunar eclipse can only occur at the time of Full Moon.

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A solar eclipse can only occur at the time of New Moon.

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In 2017, a solar eclipse will occur in USA not Pakistan.

What phase of the moon is there a solar eclipse?

A Solar Eclipse can only occur at a NEW MOON. Similarly a Lunar Eclipse can only occur at a FULL MOON.

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A solar eclipse can only occur at a time of a new moon.

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The next solar eclipse is due to occur in the UK around the 2080s.

What phase does a solar eclipse occur during?

It is a new Moon. For a solar eclipse, the moon has to be between Earth and the Sun. We get a total lunar eclipse when Earth is between the Sun and the Moon. The Moon would have to be full for it to be eclipsed.

What esclipes can only happen during a full moon?

A lunar eclipse (eclipse of the moon) can occur only at the time of the Full Moon. A solar eclipse (eclipse of the sun) can occur only at the time of New Moon.

Does solar power work during an eclipse?

It would during a solar eclipse, but probably not during a lunar eclipse.