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N=N is very inert.

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Q: Why doesn't atmospheric nitrogen used by the body?
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Is nitrogen used by the body?

it goes through your body and comes out as carbon dioxide. trees use the carbon dioxide to make more nitrogen that you breathe again.

How do bacteria help the nitrogen cycle?

Actually nitrogen exist in the atmosphere in dinitrogen (N2) form and cannot be utilized directly. As such bacteria help in converting atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia which then can be used by the plants.

Nitrogen in the atmosphere must be fixed before it can be used by plants. Atmospheric nitrogen is fixed by?

bacteria and lighntning

What atmospheric gas can only be used by plants when transformed by bacteria first?


Why farmers prefer to grow bean and peas in nitrogen deficent soil?

They are capable of converting atmospheric nitrogen into nitrogen that can be used by plants. They make the soil better.

Why doesn't the total amount of nitrogen change?

Nitrogen makes up 78% of air, so we obviously breathe it in and because our body doesnt 'NEED' Nitrogen, so however much you inhale, you can exhale the same amount as none of the Nitrogen is used up. hope it helped ;p x

Is the nitrogen in the air used by the body?


What lives in the roots of leguminous plants and convert atmospheric nitrogen into plants unable form?

Rhizoobium or nitrogen fixing bacteria lives in the roots of leguminous plants.leguminous plants are not able to use atmospheric nitrogen as sush,so these bacteria convert nitrogen into simpler forms i.e nitrates and nitrits which are easily used up by these plants.

Where are nitrogen atoms used to build your body?

Nitrogen is an essential part of proteins.

Use of nitrogen in the body?

Nitrogen is used in the males reproductive organs, the sperm to be presise.

What do nitrogen fixing bacteria use to split molecules of nitrogen gas and combine the nitrogen atoms with hydrogen?

Nitrogenase enzyme is used by nitrogen fixing bacteria to split molecules of nitrogen gas and combine the nitrogen atoms with hydrogen.Nitrogenase is the enzyme used by some organisms to fix atmospheric nitrogen gas (N2). It is the only known family of enzymes which accomplishes this process

What is nitrogen changed into before being used by living things?

lightning & bacterial action (nitrogen fixers).