

Why doesn't my 1996 Acura TL start?

Updated: 10/22/2022
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12y ago

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Well depends:

1. it can be the battery: if you accidentally forgot the lights on over night, or you used the car outlet with something that could suck all the power... etc. This can be easy solved with a boost.

2. if the boost doesn't work, take your car to the service and ask them to test your battery. It should measure arround 550 Amp. If is not close, replace it. If you are still there ask them to make sure that they checked all the wires.

If they do change your battery, ask them to reprogram your keys, so bring both keys with you, and also check your audio sistem (it might need the security code - in case you don't have it).

3. if the simptoms fits the next scenario: you drove your car normally for more then 30 miles, then you stop the engine, then car doesn't start, and you already replaced the battery or had it checked, then consider the Starter. Take it to the service, and ask them to first test your starter and then aprove a new one if necesary. (asuming that they already checked for all the wires when they replaced/tested your battery in the first place)


Could be a few more reasons, but those 3 are the most common. You have to take it to the service anyway, let's asume that they know for what to look.

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