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Maybe hes dead.

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Q: Why doesn't my corn snake move around in his tank?
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How long does it have to be until you move a corn snake that just ate?

try four hours. that will give the snake some time to digest the food properly.

What runs around the house but doesnt move?

a treadmill

How fast can a corn snake slither?

My Corn Snake is quite slow, normally moving in a zig-zag pattern when moving in an open area, frequently stopping to 'sense the air'. I dare say if he was feeling threatened he would move much faster, probably in a straight line ! You can see a video clip of him moving on youtube, under corn snake slither.

How do corn snakes move?

Corn snakes are constrictors. They first attack by biting their prey. Although they are nonvenomous this helps hold the prey in place while the wrap around it with tight coils, squeezing it until it can no longer breathe.

How snake move?

snake have not animals like in move flexible

Why does the Sun appear to not move?

Because we are revolving around it, so imagine if you were driving in a circle around a street light it doesnt appear to move, rather you do.

Why does the sun appears to move?

Because we are revolving around it, so imagine if you were driving in a circle around a street light it doesnt appear to move, rather you do.

When the snake chamber plays a tune on his been a type of flutethe snake dances to its tuneCan a snakehear?

Nope, as the charmer plays the instrument they move it around, the snake is merely following the movements.

What is it when a girl doesnt come around like she used to?

it means she is over you. move on. next

What size crate do beagles require?

it doesnt matter long as they can have room and fit in there and move around

Can a snake move in a straight line?

no a snake cannot move in a straight line as its bones are not stretchable_^^^^^^^^^^&

What is the name of the sack around a snake heart?

The sac is called the pericardial sac. The snake's heart can move 1 to 1 1/2 inches because of this sac.